Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank

Birkitt Environmental Services, Inc. (Birkitt) provided key environmental and permitting services for the development of the 161-acre Tampa Bay Mitigation Bank (TBMB) in Hillsborough County, Florida. Estuarine forested and herbaceous habitats, freshwater wetlands, wetland hammock, and freshwater ponds as well as native upland habitat were created, restored, enhanced and preserved. Hydrologic restoration of Andrews Creek was also included.

Birkitt provided design of wetlands restoration and creation area, planting scheme, and coordination with federal and state regulatory agencies for the Mitigation Banking Instrument (MBI) with the USACE and the Environmental Resource Permit from the SWFWMD. The site has continued to meet success criteria and credit sales are on-going. Birkitt provided also provided project management, construction oversight, marketing and credit sales services for the project.

The Tampa Bay Estuary Program and SWFWMD’s SWIM program identified the TBMB site as a key location for providing significant ecological and water quality benefits to Cockroach Bay and the Tampa Bay region

The TBMB was awarded 2nd place in the 17th Annual Future of the Region Award by the Tampa Bay Regional Planning Council.  The bank was also the recipient of the “Distinguished Project” award at the Annual Sun Coast Dinner and Awards Banquet.