The Cove at Rocky Point Dock Permitting
Birkitt Environmental Services, Inc. (Birkitt) provided environmental services to Taylor Morrison for the Cove at Rocky Point Dock Permitting project. This project entailed environmental permitting services for coastal improvements associated with a mixed single family and multi-family residential development in Tampa, Florida. The project included the installation of thirteen single family docks, one common dock/observation pier, one multi-family four-slip dock, the replacement of the existing seawall, the addition of rip-rap, and dredging to accommodate the multi-family dock.
Services included a habitat assessment of the site which included a benthic/SAV survey as well as the mapping of shoreline communities including mangrove and oyster habitat. Birkitt was responsible for obtaining permits from the SWFWMD, USACE, the Environmental Protection Commission of Hillsborough County (EPC) and proprietary authorization through Port Tampa Bay (PTB) in an expedited manner.